
SMALL GROUPS | Training with Will
Various | Trinity Studio
Strength and conditioning tailored to the needs of those in attendance. This is a monthly buy-in, and it includes a post-workout shake.
Contact us if you are interested in joining, as availability is limited and available on a first-come basis.

BRO’GA | Men’s Yoga with Bianca
Thursdays at 10:00 AM | Trinity Studio
A judge-free, men-only class so you do not have to worry about how you look or what noises you’re making. This class is open to all levels of experience, and it is specifically designed for the athlete who needs to stretch and breathe more.

COMMUNITY YOGA | Hatha Yoga with Bianca
Monthly Saturdays at 10:30 AM | Pleasant Hill Library
Ease into the weekend week with a humble Hatha flow. We will practice traditional yoga postures with a focus on breathwork. This class is perfect for beginners and intermediate students alike.

SURRENDER | Yin Yoga with Bianca
Yin yoga is restorative, deep-stretch practice. Holding postures for 3-5 minutes targets deep connective tissue, allowing your muscles to relax so you can stretch your facia, ligaments and joints. This activates the parasympathetic nervous system and opens up blockages so that your energy “qi” can flow freely. This class is great for all levels of experience.

HIGH! Fitness | Dance Cardio with Bianca
A heart thumping, booty-burning workout, open to all levels of dance experience. We pump, pulse and boogie to good music and it’s so fun it doesn’t feel like a workout.

To book a class or purchase a class package, please go to


Founded by Will & Bianca Brittain, Trinity Training Co. is a health and fitness collective established in South Austin with a mission to promote and train a healthy body, mind and spirit.